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HomeFeedbackTestimonial bel 2007

First of all I'd like to thank you again for the really excellent organisation of our tour from Turpan to Urumqi, and, please give our best regards and our thanks to Miss Rizwangul (meanwhile Mrs. ...?) and Mr. Yan if you see or otherwise contact them. Whether or not a tour like ours becoms a success largely depends on the guide and the driver and the two made a perfect team and have been exactly what we had hoped for; our guide in Urumqi told us that originally he was intended to be our guide for the whole tour from Turpan to Urumqi and while he, no doubt, proofed to be a good guide, we (my wife and I) both feel it was a lucky happenstance, that we got Miss Rizwangul and Mr. Yan to accompany us from Turpan to Kashgar.

Client's information: Erika and Walter, Germany
Tour Starting Date: September 30, 2007
Tour Route: 11 days Turfan - Korla - Kucha - Minfeng - Khotan - Yecheng (Yarkant) - Kashgar - Urumqi

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